ways to #LiveKinder for animals

What if we started living a little kinder? 

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This year we are encouraging everyone to #LiveKinder and tread a little lighter – especially when it comes to our relationship with animals. With a few small changes we can all #LiveKinder  - let’s be kinder in what we eat, kinder in what we do and kinder in how we treat animals and the planet. Every little action has the potential to have a huge impact, and collectively we have the power to protect animals and the planet. 

Whilst we all are still living with the fallout of COVID-19 we are becoming increasingly aware of the link between the way we treat animals and the planet, and the subsequent emergence of global pandemics. Over 75% of pandemics have come from animals, including wildlife and farmed animals. The message is clear - we need to change the way we live. Are you prepared to #LiveKinder?

These changes do not need to be big to make a significant impact. Even a few small steps in the right direction can, and will, make a big difference.

Click here if you would like to know more about the link between animal welfare and pandemics.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” 


Ways to #LiveKinder

For Wild Animals


Wild Animals

Ways to #LiveKinder for wild animals.

Read more.


For Big Cats


Big Cats

Ways to #LiveKinder for big cats.

Read more


For Farm Animals


Farm Animals

Ways to #LiveKinder for farm animals.

Read more.


For Domestic Animals


Domestic Animals

Ways to #LiveKinder for domestic animals.

Read more.


When Travelling


Travel Kind

Ways to #TravelKind.

Read more.


When Eating


Eat Kinder

Ways to #EatKind.

Read more.


More Ways to Create a #LiveKinder World

Ways YOU can #LiveKinder


Ways YOU can #LiveKinder

More ways to #LiveKinder.

Read more


Shop kind


Shop kind

Ways to #ShopKind.

Read more.


Share your skills


Share your skills

#LiveKinder and share your skills.

Read more.


Easy ways to be kind


Easy ways to be kind

Easy ways to #LiveKinder.

Read more


Get digital


Get digital

#LiveKinder and go digital.

Read more.


Get creative


Get creative

#LiveKinder and get creative. 

Read more.


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