Lioness in safe enclousure

Jul 2024


Rescue Lioness Manuschka

A fresh start after years of performing


Manuschka’s only purpose in life was human entertainment. She was born in a facility in France and sold to a circus in Germany, and she has had to perform there since she was a cub. 

This is the unfortunate fate of many wild animals that must perform in circuses. Although a lot of countries worldwide have restrictions or bans in place, it is still completely legal in Germany to keep wild animals in circuses. Thankfully, in Manuschka's case, FOUR PAWS was able to rescue the lioness and give her the life she very much deserves. 

A successful rescue

Her whole life consisted of doing tricks and long journeys from one place to another, but after her only companion passed away, the owners of lioness Manuschka agreed to rehome her. This is where the FOUR PAWS team took action and safely relocated Manuschka to TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary.

On the morning of the 10th of July, the FOUR PAWS team met at the circus to pick up Manuschka, who was already locked in the transport crate that TIERART had delivered two weeks earlier. The rescue mission went smoothly and without any problems, and after a 4-hour transfer, the lioness arrived at her new temporary home.

The caretakers at the FOUR PAWS sanctuary were able to release her into a small outdoor enclosure. It didn't take long for her to inspect the new surroundings and start enjoying her new temporary home.

Over the next few weeks, the keepers at TIERART continued to build up Manuschka's trust, with the support of the colleagues from FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary, who have also been involved in her rescue.

A brand new fresh start

Manuschka has made great progress in the last couple of months, she's eating well and has started trusting her keepers. She also enjoys laying down in the meadow with a nice big bone.

Currently the lioness is being prepared by the trained staff for her transport to FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary in the Netherlands, where she will have the chance to socialise with other big cats and live the rest of her life in a species-appropriate enclosure. 

Stay tuned for more updates regarding Manuschka and her future transfer to her new happy home!

Welcome home (Update 14.10.2024)

After a 7-hour journey, Manuschka and our colleagues from TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary have arrived at FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary in the Netherlands! 

Lioness Manuschka is now in her forever home. No more performing tricks under the circus lights. 

She now needs time to settle in and get used to a new environment. When the moment is right, she’ll step out of her indoor enclosure and embrace the brand-new spacious outdoor enclosure at FELIDA. She will be the first lioness to ever set paws in it.

Release to the outdoor enclosure (Update 22.10.2024)

After an adaptation period in the indoor enclosure at FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary, Manuschka has been released into her brand-new and species-appropriate outdoor enclosure. The recent construction of new enclosures at FELIDA, a special care facility for physically and mentally traumatised big cats, has made this possible.

Manuschka is now breathing in the fresh Dutch air and when the time is right, she will be moved next to lioness Elza who will be in the neighbouring enclosure. Little birdies at TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary told us that she loves to play with boxes (or tear them apart). Her caretakers already have fantastic enrichment ideas in mind to keep her engaged and happy. 

She will continue her positive reinforcement training, building on the foundation she received at TIERART in Germany. These training sessions provide mental stimulation, encourage natural behaviours, and increase physical activity. They also serve as a base for medical training, allowing caretakers to monitor her health closely.

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Lioness in safe enclousure

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