X-Mas Picture DFP 2017

The ultimate cruelty-free gift guide

The perfect gift guide for the holiday shopper who is a compassionate perfectionist who wants to give a cruelty-free gift


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If you are a last-minute seasonal holiday shopper but still a compassionate perfectionist who wants to give a cruelty-free gift, we have you covered with the eight best last-minute animal-friendly gifts. Just remember to wrap cruelty-free gifts in recyclable paper!

  • For an animal lover: Inspire by giving a symbolic adoption 

A symbolic animal adoption or remote custodianship of an animal, be it in a rescue capacity at an animal shelter or sanctuary, to a friend or a family member, is a perfect gift from one animal lover to another. Your adoption will support the work of the organisation caring for the animal and make a difference to securing the future of that species if it is an endangered animal. Look online for organisations of your choice. Consider giving the gift of adopting a FOUR PAWS animal in a sanctuary.

  • For a fashionista: Say no to fast fashion

Malls are too busy and rushed for you to do last minute shopping? If you have a fashion-conscious friend who is making more compassionate fashion choices, spend some time in a vintage clothes shop. Not only is avoiding fast fashion and new clothes kinder to the environment, but you might pick up something unique to his/her taste and style. You are also decreasing your own and the recipient’s carbon-footprint. And avoiding those long queues to pay! Just remember the golden animal #WearItKind welfare rule: Keep it leather- and fur-free.

  • For an adventurous friend: Give an experience

A gift does not always have to be something you have to touch or see to enjoy. You can also gift an experience or adventure to animal enthusiasts like a tour voucher for a day-tour in a wildlife reserve, or a tour or stay in a sanctuary like LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary. See their adventurous packages by clicking here

  • For a caring animal rescue-orientated friend: Sponsor a pet rescue 

This is another way to stay out of the malls and shopping centres this seasonal holiday! Find out a friend’s preference for cats or dog, as well as find out which animal organisation they support in their neighbourhood. Take a drive to the organisation and hear what their gifting possibilities are. If possible, give your friend or family member a sponsorship that they can allocate to this organisation and a specific animal, or support the organisation’s charity shop.

  • For a sport lover: Choose a creatively sustainable gift 

Want to keep it upcycled and recycled for a friend who is regularly out on the road training? What about buying them a re-usable water bottle? It ticks all the sustainable requirements if it is made from recyclable materials like 100% recycled plastic.

  • For décor lovers: Keep it feather-free 

If you are giving someone a duvet or a pillow, you should always check very carefully where the down (filling material of feathers for which birds like geese are sometimes live plucked) comes from. There are excellent plant alternatives to down and feathers. However, if you still want to buy down products, then you should shop with care and avoid brands that cannot guarantee that the down supplied in the products was fully controlled during the sourcing process.  

  • For those who can appreciate a meaningful cruelty-free gift

Lots of conservation and animal welfare organisations have online shops where you can buy compassionate gifts that will support their work. An online voucher where your friend or family member can make their own choice in the online shop, is a gift that will also open their mind about future animal-friendly and conservation supportive shopping. 

  • For meatless-living friends: Make it easy with a grocery voucher

To buy a gift for friends and family who follow a no-animal products eat style, can be a challenge because you do not always know what are the do's and don’ts of their specific eating plan. Follow the easy way out by saving them a trip to the grocery store. Send them a voucher from a grocery delivery app that they can make a choice of plant-based foods they favour above others. If you have to make a choice for them, choose from our FOUR PAWS list of pantry essentials. 

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