Leave a Legacy
Leave a legacy that continues giving, ensuring a lasting impact on the lives of animals in need.
At FOUR PAWS we recognise the profound impact of your compassion and care for animals. By including a gift in your will today, you are making an enduring pledge to champion animal welfare for generations to come.
Note: Any advertisements that may appear during the viewing of this video are unrelated to FOUR PAWS. We assume no liability for this content.
This could be the ultimate gift - an opportunity to provide life-saving care and protection to animals in need. It is our duty to honour your commitment and transform your legacy into a tangible reality, ensuring that your compassion continues to shape a world where humans treat animals with respect, empathy and understanding.
The FOUR PAWS promise
Your Will is a confidential document, and we respect your privacy. We will never request that you share the details of your will with us. If you choose to share details, it is entirely your decision.
What to consider when writing your Will
The process of thinking about your legacy and drafting a will can feel overwhelming, but it’s an important step in ensuring that your wishes are honoured long after you’re gone.
A good starting point is to ask yourself the following questions:
- Listing your assests
The type of assets one may consider including in a bequest can include assets such as your house, car, savings in the bank, retirement annuities, life insurance, and any other valuable possessions.
- Who would I like to designate to inherit these assets?
Once you have provided for your loved ones, you can choose to leave your assets to family members, friends, and charities like FOUR PAWS.
- Who will execute my wishes?
Your Executor will be responsible for ensuring that your estate is distributed according to your wishes when the time comes.
How to include FOUR PAWS in your Will
To include FOUR PAWS in your will, you may use the following wording:
“I give x to FOUR PAWS Animal Welfare Foundation South Africa, Registered NPO Number: 151993, FOUR PAWS in South Africa– 9B Bell Crescent, Westlake Business Park, The Green Building, Cape Town, 7945 for its general charity purposes”.
If you prefer your gift to support a specific area of our work, please contact us beforehand to ensure we can fulfil your wishes.
Our details:
Include the following details to ensure your gift reaches us correctly:
- Our full name as a legal entity: FOUR PAWS Animal Welfare Foundation
- Address: 9B Bell Crescent, Westlake Business Park, The Green Building, Cape Town, 7945
- Registration Number: 2006/039176/08
- PBO Number: 930025282
- NPO Number: 151993
- Contact person at FOUR PAWS who your executor can liaise with
Gift types
There are three types of gifts you can leave in your Will to support FOUR PAWS:
A percentage of your Estate: This is a portion of what remains after providing for loved ones (residuary gift).
Sum of Money: A specific monetary amount (pecuniary gift).
Specific Item: Such as an antique, painting, property, or shares.
Leave A Legacy
Where there's a Will, there's a way
Note: Any advertisements that may appear during the viewing of this video are unrelated to FOUR PAWS. We assume no liability for this content.