Animal guardians

In a world where animal cruelty is still at play, we bring you some of the strong heroes and guardians that make it their sole mission in life to bring the suffering of animals to an end. 

Katherine Polak

Head of Stray Animal Care - Southeast Asia

Age:  35

Nationality:    American 
Working for FOUR PAWS since: 2018  
Short description of your work:  I manage our Southeast Asia partnership program with local partners across 5 countries, and oversee all of our local activities in Southeast Asia to fight the brutal dog and cat meat trade. 

Favourite animal and why:  The Hippo - Herbivorous, graceful, floating majestic giants, while still able to run up to 30 km/h over short distances. They are simply incredible. 

Quote: One day all those late nights and early mornings will pay off

Matt Backhouse
man stroking a dog in a cage at a dog meat slaughterhouse

Southeast Asia Consultant (Stray Animal Care) 

Age:  35 

Nationality:  British

Working for FOUR PAWS since:  October 2018

Short description of your work:  I manage the partnership program, providing assistance and support for the groups enrolled in our program across Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia and India. When possible, I travel to the countries and train staff, run mobile clinics, animal rescues and investigations. It's a very eclectic role, which I really enjoy. I am also on the DCMT core team, and am responsible for the in-country activities, such as investigations, dog meat slaughterhouse closures and rescues, vaccination programs, campaign work etc.

Favourite animal and why: Dogs! I feel happy every time I see a happy dog, often in the street where I live in rural Thailand. Their joy, energy and enthusiasm for life always makes me smile. I hate to see them neglected and abused, and this is why I work in the role that I do.

Quote: Live in alignment with your values.

Sothea ek

Ending the Dog Meat Trade Project Manager in Cambodia

Age:  39 


Working for FOUR PAWS since:  
November 2018

Short description of your work:  
Manages local campaign efforts and collaborates with relevant government stakeholders to help end the dog meat trade and facilitates activities including but not limited to investigations, restaurant/slaughterhouse conversions, and workshops.

Favourite animal and why: 
All animals have its own uniqueness - dogs are special as it is  an honest and protective pet to their owner so it should also be protected and care for. 

Quote: I am shocked to learn about the level of cruelty involve d in the dog meat trade. It is such a heart breaking to see the brutality and dog suffering, I realised that we as human beings need to take action to protect those candid pets from being vulnerable to the cruel trade and provide them the best welfare as possible. I would be so guilty being ignorant to this cruel trade, so I am glad to be able to contribute in fighting to end this cruel trade.  




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