Why we need to #LiveKinder
We can all #LiveKinder. Let’s be kinder in what we eat, kinder in what we do and kinder in how we treat animals and the planet. Every little action can have a huge impact: simply swapping your beef burger for a plant-based alternative, walking/cycling/using public transport to get to work instead of driving, or to avoid buying fast fashion can all make a huge impact. Collectively, we have the power to protect animals and the planet, but we need to #LiveKinder NOW!
We are all living with the fallout of COVID-19 and we are aware - now more than ever – about the link between the way we treat animals and the planet, and the emergence of global pandemics. Over 75% of pandemics have originated from animals, including wildlife and farmed animals.
We need to change the way we live. We need to live kinder. These changes do not need to be large to have a massive impact. Even a few small steps can make a big difference. At FOUR PAWS, we are working to protect wild, companion and farm animals and in doing so, improve the planet. We cannot do it alone; we need YOUR help, too.
FOUR PAWS wants to:
- Prohibit the exploitation of wild animals for entertainment purposes and ban the trade of wild animals
- End the trade and consumption of dog and cat meat in Asia
- Reduce stray animal suffering through responsible pet ownership education, shelter adoption and sustainable and humane stray animal population management.
- Reduce global production and consumption of animal products 50% by 2050 and encourage people to adopt a more climate friendly diet with less animal products and more plant-based alternatives. Stopping fur farming to end the millionfold suffering of wild animals and prevent the emerge and spread of zoonoses.
Read more about our demands.
- Banning the trade of wild animals for private keeping, human consumption as well as use in traditional medicines and immediately closing all markets that sell live wild animals to not only protect animals and ecosystems but help prevent future pandemics that arise from zoonotic diseases such as COVID-19, SARS, MeRs, HIV and Ebola.
- Ending the trade and consumption of dog and cat meat in Asia to stop the immense cruelty and help eradicate zoonoses and disease transmissions such as rabies and cholera.
- Reducing stray animal suffering through responsible pet ownership education, shelter adoption and sustainable and humane stray animal population management.
- Reducing global production and consumption of animal products 50% by 2050 to encourage consumers to choose plant-based alternatives to combat the climate crisis and safeguard animal welfare. Remaining animal products should originate from higher welfare production systems and the methods used for their production should be transparent in order to allow consumers to make informed choices.
- Stopping fur farming to end the millionfold suffering of wild animals and prevent the emerge and spread of zoonoses.