Goat farm

Farm Animals

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Angora Goats

Live Animal Transport

In Europe alone 3.30 million Sheep & goats are live transported every year

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10 Facts about Goats

3.30 millionSheep & goats live transported every year

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Goats are highly intelligent, sociable, and curious animals that have played a significant role in human lives for a long time. They are quick learners and, being herd animals, they enjoy the company of other goats. Despite their friendly nature, they can also be very shy and cautious, and can react strongly to noises and unfamiliar movements.

 Unfortunately, goats are often farmed for their meat, milk, mohair, and cashmere, leading to these intelligent animals suffering from neglect and serious welfare issues.

Worth knowing about Goats

Goat enjoying eating the vegetables

10 Facts about Goats

What do you know about these animals?

Rescues Goat Lotte at TIERART

Mutilation of Goats OLD

Goats are adapted to the farm environment, instead of vice versa


the suffering of Goats

Since goats are resilient animals that thrive in harsh environmental conditions, there is a misconception that they require minimal care, leading to neglect and welfare issues.

Mohair goat


Curly haired mohair goats endure repeated exposure to cruel sheering processes and painful mutilations for fashion products

Animal Charity

Suffering for Luxury Mohair

How angora goats are cruelly farmed for their soft hair

Cashmere goat


How cashmere goats endure pain and suffering for their fine fur undercoats used in luxury textiles


The Cost to Goats behind your Cashmere Sweater

Suffering for the luxury of cashmere  

