Education at FOUR PAWS – an overview

We believe teaching children to be kind to animals today is the only way we will have a kinder tomorrow. 


In keeping with this, our animal welfare education is multi-faceted and holistic. It looks at treating all animals with respect, empathy and understanding - with a focus on companion animals such as dogs and cats. We have different platforms and projects which enables us to reach a wide audience, from various demographics. 

With our education facilitator in the Western Cape and our educator based at our project, LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary, in the Free State, our work under this banner is focused on these provinces. We have big plans for the future, but first let’s quickly look at what we’ve accomplished so far:

2017 - 2019 in Cape Town

Partnering with a local animal welfare for Mass Animal Sterilisation and Education Projects in 2 remote, impoverished towns outside Cape Town.

During these projects almost 7 000 adults and children were educated, more than 2 000 dogs and cats were sterilized and vaccinated against rabies and more than 200 dogs who had no shelter received kennels.

 An educational brochure is handed out at a sterilisation drive

Assisting in 5 other sterilisation projects run by other organisations, in an educational capacity.

Ran successful school holiday programs at more than 10 local Cape Town libraries.

2017 - 2019 in Free State/ LIONSROCK

Hosted more than 2 000 – 3 000 children visiting LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary

Provided animal welfare education and awareness campaigns in local community and school events reaching about 17 000        

Hosted weekly community kids club sessions at local community hall reaching around 1 000 per year

Built partnerships with various local community stakeholders and organisations.

The 2020 national lockdown and COVID-19 pandemic interrupted and halted much of our plans for education and community engagement for the year. We went digital with a lot of our work and supported our members of the Animal Heroes Kids Club in the Bohlokong community outside our big cat sanctuary LIONSROCK, with monthly education and care packs.

We are excited for the future of FOUR PAWS South Africa’s work under the banner of Education & Community Engagement and would love your support. 

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