
Mice as pets

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A small mammal moves in

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Pet mice

 A pet mouse is a domesticated form of the house mouse. Although they are often considered as easy pets for children, it's crucial to remember that proper care and attention are required to ensure that they live a long and healthy life. These small, intelligent, and active creatures need extensive knowledge to avoid inappropriate handling. Therefore, if you decide to keep a pet mouse, make sure that you're well-informed about their care requirements.

Worth knowing about Mice

Small but mighty - Fancy Mice

Mice as Pets

A pet mouse is great animal for people who like to observe

Best design for a mice habitat

How to Design a Habitat for Mice

Mice are intelligent animals and need an engaging enclosure


Healthy Nutrition for Your Pet Mice

A balanced diet is important for every animal

Most common illnesses in mice and how to prevent them

Health Checklist for Mice

Veterinary care for mice: Most common illnesses in mice and how to prevent them

